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Three Way Call

With a Three-Way Call, you can have a conversation with two other people at the same time. It's a quick and easy way of conference calling or making plans with friends or family and it saves you money too.


Setting up Three-Way Call

Setup three way call on your phone using your phone, but make sure it's a touch-tone phone:

  1. Dial the number of the first person you’d like to add to the call
  2. Press the R or Recall button and wait for a dialling tone
  3. Dial the number of the second person you’d like to add to the call
  4. Wait for an answer and press R or Recall button


Now you have two options:

  • Dial 3 if you’d like to talk to both people at the same time
  • Dial 2 if you’d like to speak to the second person you dialled separately


When you’d like to hang up, you have three options:

  • To end the call with only the first person you called, press the R or Recall button followed by 5
  • To end the call with only the second person you called, press the R or Recall button followed by 7
  • To end the call with both, simply hang up the phone